Sunday, July 24, 2016

2030 Polling for Young Professionals is Wednesday

On Wednesday, July 27, 2016, our Young Professionals will enjoy a joint mixer with the Fayette YPs for a YP Polling Event of the Georgia Chamber. The event will run from 6pm - 7:30pm at Due South Southern Cuisine, 302 Clover Reach, Peachtree City.

Newnan-Coweta Chamber YPs and YP Fayette will learn about the Georgia Chamber's Georgia 2030 initiative, an ambitious plan to expand Georgia's role in global commerce, cultivate a world-class workforce, bolster economic mobility, improve long-term job creation, and support diverse, thriving communities. The Georgia Chamber is seeking members' thoughts, ideas and opinions. 

At the event, attendees will be able to participate in a live poll designed to gather feedback to help create a road map for Georgia's future competitiveness. 

Appetizers are provided for attendees, and drinks are on your own. Visit: Georgia Chamber 2030 for more information. To RSVP, click here.

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