Sunday, August 14, 2016

Small Business of the Year Finalist: Infiniti of South Atlanta/Heritage Automotive

David Watts of Infiniti of South Atlanta/Heritage Automotive

Over the next few weeks, we'd like to introduce you to our finalists for this year's Small Business of the Year Awards coming up August 25, 2016 at The Newnan Centre. Today, meet Infiniti of South Atlanta/Heritage Automotive .

Chamber membership philosophy and involvement: We try to maximize our Chamber involvement at every opportunity and feel it is our duty to help the Chamber succeed and grow. We recently were heavily involved in the Chamber membership drive As Team Black, and our team pushed hard to raise as many new members as possible for the Chamber. We are also diligently trying to bring new dealerships to Coweta to provide new jobs and tax revenue. We have spent endless hours over the last year to try to achieve these goals. We try to target 80 percent attendance of Chamber functions and provide additional support over and above our annual membership dues. An example of this is our support and underwriting of the Chamber printing costs as well as supplementing events throughout the year, such as Enhanced Investor luncheons and Annual Meetings.

Community involvement: We are involved in raising funds for charitable organizations on a monthly basis and feel this is a key component of our corporate governance. By way of example, Infiniti of South Atlanta has acted as the lead and raised funds for Community Welcome House, Children's Village, Christian City, Assistance in HealthCare, as well as numerous schools and afterschool programs, all within the last twelve months. In addition, to increase awareness and encourage additional donations, Infiniti of South Atlanta aired over 6,000 commercials last year to support charitable organizations. Our entire management team and the majority of our staff have been active in these fund-raising endeavors. On average, we are working on multiple fund-raising projects each month.

How Infiniti of South Atlanta/Heritage Automotive differs from competitors: Our management team is continuously searching for new ways to gain an advantage over the competition. We believe that the hallmark of a truly exceptional dealership is one that can not only provide a pleasant experience for its clients but a memorable one as well. Our experience has taught us that pleasant and memorable customer experiences ultimately result in greater customer retention and higher customer satisfaction. Our organization believes that the difference between providing a mediocre customer service experience and a truly memorable one is in the details. Every program and process that we put together is created with this philosophy in mind. Whether we are working with a potential sales customer or an existing service customer, we strive to make sure that all of our customers feel like they are receiving elite customer service. In addition, as an organization, we are always on the lookout for other unique and innovative operational processes to incorporate into our existing ones. We are regularly looking to the top providers of elite customer service like The Ritz Carlton, The Four Seasons, Chanel and Nordstrom.

If you haven't yet registered for the Small Business Awards and Celebration,
click here to do so now!

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